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What is ETIM?

ETIM is a unified classification system of technical products, designed to help all parties (producers, wholesalers and installers) to communicate product information in a clear and effective way (for further information please visit This classification system categorizes products into classes, that are each defined by specific features (parameters). The values of the features are described in a fully standardized manner, to avoid errors and that the technical information can thus easily be translated into different languages.

We as FEGIME always support and promote ETIM to the best of our ability, because we know that it helps us to work together with our partners and most importantly helps our customers to find exactly the product they need.

Benefits of the ETIM classification

  • Reduced risk of errors: in the product identification and the transmission of product data
  • Increased communication efficiency: singly source of technical product information
  • Improved logistics and savings on order costs: reduction of wrong orders and deliveries
  • Ability to reuse product information: no double work, no repetition of manually entering information because it is already digitally available
  • Optimization of catalog management: media neutral, for both digital and printed catalogs
  • Language independent: international processing of technical information in many languages possible
  • Possibility of automatically generating product data files
  • A new dimension of statistical analyses and reporting based on the classification system is possible
  • No more searching products, but finding!


Product Data Management